Teenage cosmetic surgery: To do or not to do? Self esteem issues and functional problems of the body are not owned solely by adults. Teenagers also struggle with (no surprise) their appearance and body image. Pressures to look good, feel attractive and to not look ‘too different’ are often more intense. Peer pressure is strong when bodies are maturing and ego strength is not yet developed. ... [Continue Reading]
Blog Article
Shouldn’t cosmetic surgery be banned?
Cosmetic surgery has been a topic of controversy from the beginning. In its worst forms it panders to the insecurity of people's’ appearance and self worth and seems vain and shallow. Am I attractive enough? What do others think about me? Should I alter the way I look so I feel more desirable? Even if I can’t afford it? So many people look great, sexy and hot. Why can’t I? It can be argued that ... [Continue Reading]
A Case of Mistaken Expression!
YOU ARE YOUR EXPRESSIONS Much is made about one’s face and facial expressions. With our active facial muscles capable of myriad expressions, sometimes just one look is all it takes to read a person’s face. Is that face happy or sad? Angry or frustrated? Quizzical or confused? Just a little more or less muscle action furrows the brows or changes the lips or brightens the eyes. In an expressive ... [Continue Reading]
Nip, Tuck or Else redux?
Nip, Tuck or Else Recently TIME magazine featured an article (Joel Stein) on the changing face of cosmetic surgery in the world. The provocative title suggests that one day soon almost EVERYBODY will undergo some sort of elective cosmetic procedure. (time.com/3926042/nip-tuck-or-else/) Why? Because (1) it is socially acceptable, (2) it is affordable, (3) it will be more necessary to look ... [Continue Reading]
The Trouble with Selfies
The Trouble with Selfies ♫ You’re so vain, you probably think this picture is about you… ♫ If you haven’t either seen or been in a selfie this past week, you may be in the minority. Selfie: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website. As a facial plastic surgeon, I am aware of the interest in facial ... [Continue Reading]
Let’s Face It: New Year’s Resolutions
We hear a lot about people who resolve to make some good decisions each new year. Most of the time our resolutions involve promises to eat better, exercise more, and quit putting off some of the other things we need to do. Unless you maintain superhuman discipline, it is very difficult to always take optimum care of your face. Face? What do we possibly need to do for our faces? Well, if we ... [Continue Reading]